Live Answering Services Free Up Valuable Resources

Live Answering Services Free Up Valuable Resources

A potential customer for nearly any type of business is in buying mode or at least mode when live answering he or she places a phone call.  But what if you are not there to answer the call because you’re too busy or it’s after hours or it’s the weekend?  It doesn’t matter how good your voicemail system is, missed calls equal less business.

You have missed the initial contact, that moment when a prospect is specifically interested in your products or services.  Returning a call to them later will only be an interruption to their busy schedule and they will likely have much less focus on the thought process that lead them to call you in the first place.  A live answering service, done properly, is a potential solution to this issue.

You likely have some great employees chosen for their efficiency and their abilities. The decision for you, the business owner, is how to use employees effectively and cost efficiently.  Manning the phone system so it is answered by a professional, caring, well trained person can remove good resources from achieving other important tasks for the hours that you are open. Engaging a live answering service can free up employee resources and offer many other advantages.

As a business owner, you already feel as if you are working 24/7, though few business owners can do that literally. The live answering service does give your customers that feeling…the phone is going to be answered around the clock, all year long, even when you can’t be there. Compared to traditional voice-mail or answering machines, the advantages are tremendous.

Your personalized business greeting engages the client. The caller is important and feels important because the live answering service operator is friendly, professional and warm; not just an automated voice. There is no set limit to the amount of time the caller has to convey his concerns and the operator can “think,” and responds with answers and solutions you have tailored for a caller to your business.

Quality live answering service operators are highly trained professionals in customer service and will not only draw clients in but also give them great service. These operators will do this within the specific framework that you, the business owner, have provided.  Finally, live answering service operators can give information, address standard concerns, route calls, forward calls to the appropriate lines and deliver messages by text, email or other designated methods.

Have you taken a look recently at the potential of engaging a live answering service?  Do you know the questions to ask to ensure you get a quality provider that that can really help you grow your business and increase customer satisfaction?  We would like to know your thoughts.

To learn more about Main Line TeleCommunications, please click here.  Or complete our Contact Us form.

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