Philadelphia Answering Service Says Be Free – Eliminate Voice-Mail

Philadelphia Answering Service Says Be Free – Eliminate Voice-Mail

Whether it is our innate, over-achieving nature or simply survival of the fittest, we humanphiladelphia answering services seem to be on a constant mission to make  everything more efficient.  There is nothing wrong with that of course – the demands of our work-lives, home-lives and everything in between seem to make us happier when they are handled in a smoother and more efficient manner.  However, despite all of the recent advances in technology and communication, the opposite appears to be true.  People seem to be busier than ever.  More work at work and more work at home equals more stress, which runs counter to all those ‘efficiencies’ that technology was supposed to be affording us.

Information Overload

How can this be?  Advances in technology have indeed accelerated at an exponential pace over the last couple of decades in comparison to historic levels.  But the fact that we have made many things more efficient does not translate into more free time for most of us.  Information, in all forms and formats, is now so much more available and ‘in-your-face’ that it is easy to get overwhelmed.  Years ago all it took was hard work and some inventiveness to be successful.  But these days the ability to quickly digest and respond effectively to huge amounts of information is just as important.

Voice-mail and the Dodo Bird

Why write a letter and mail it when you can send an e-mail?  Why walk across the office to your colleague when you can simply send an Instant Message?  Why leave a lengthy voice-mail when you can send a quick text message?  When voice-mail first came on the market, it was a huge efficiency booster.  But just like snail mail, it is in the process of being taken over by newer, much more efficient ways of communication.  It may not seem like a big difference, but think about it from a smart-phone perspective:

  • Voicemail: A notification appears that you have a voice-mail.  You dial into your voice-mail account.  A voice-prompt asks you for your passcode, you listen to the message, you scramble to find a pen and paper to write down the important bit of information, you are then prompted to save or delete the message.  You put the piece of paper somewhere to remind you of your next action regarding the message.  You disconnect.  Total time 30 to 90 seconds.
  • Text Message: You receive a notification you have a text. You open it and read the message. You don’t need to write anything down because the pertinent info is already right in from of you. Total time 2 to 6 seconds.

Okay it is obviously more efficient, but all business use voice-mail right?  Is it that big of a deal?  Well, if you consider the thousands of communication transactions that occur in a month in even small businesses, it is a big deal.  To those business owners savvy enough to make these calculations, they are realizing that huge savings can be achieved by improving the methods in which they communicate.

How an Answering Service Brings It Together

The ‘text vs. voice-mail’ sample above is just one of many examples that are available to businesses today.  As a professional answering service based in Philadelphia, we regularly help clients realize savings by reducing or eliminating their dependence on inefficient voice-mail systems and streamlining their communications processes while improving their customer satisfaction ratings.  We are big believers in automating those processes that can be automated, utilizing proven technology to enhance customer experience, and, of course, providing that warm, friendly and helpful live human voice when it is needed in the communications process.

To learn more about Main Line TeleCommunications, please download our free guide:
Free: 10 Tips For Choosing a Telephone Answering Service

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