Cool Down the Competition By Never Missing a Call

Cool Down the Competition By Never Missing a Call

In the commercial refrigeration business, missed calls mean missed profits. Put yourself in therotating_image_2.jpg shoes of your potential customers. If you are the owner of a restaurant and your deep freezer goes down with thousands of dollars of food inside, you need to get it fixed ASAP. The first thing you’d do is find a commercial refrigeration company. Maybe you’d go online or thumb your way through the phonebook, find the nearest candidate and pick up the phone. But what happens if your call goes to voicemail? You wouldn’t wait for the frozen foods to start spoiling, you’d phone the next guy right away. Why is that important? Because the first guy just lost himself a sale. Don’t let that first guy be you!

It Directly Costs You Money

Missing a call costs you money, especially since very few people will call you a second time or leave a voicemail. Let’s take a look at specific numbers to really understand. If you’re spending $10,000 a month on marketing and receive 500 inbound phone calls, that means each of those calls costs you around $20. If you miss even 1 in 10 of those calls, you’re losing $1,000 every month, and that’s not including the potential value of the jobs.

It Isn’t Professional

Beyond the immediate loss of revenue that a missed call brings, a public perception of your brand being unprofessional will cost you an untold amount in the long run. It isn’t professional to let your business line ring and ring, or expect people to leave a voicemail during a refrigeration emergency. Instead, it’s a much better idea to make sure a friendly, professional voice answers the phone each time someone calls.

It’s Avoidable

Missing calls every once in awhile is unavoidable, right? Wrong! There are actually professional phone answering services that you can employ to make sure this potentially costly situation never happens to you. Receptionists who work for a professional answering service will be able to provide callers with a consistent dialogue and the personal touch that only live, well trained agents can deliver. It all starts with the perfect answering service script that you help create when you become a customer.

Don’t let your commercial refrigeration business lose money by something as simple as not picking up the phone. If your business is running on a small operating budget, that’s all the more reason to look for an answering service that gives you the best value for your money. Main Line TeleCommunications provides many answering services that are perfect for those in your industry, including emergency service, 24-hour answering, after hours support, and more.

To learn more about Main Line TeleCommunications, please download our free guide:
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Related Links:
How a Telephone Answering Service Can Help Win New Customers for Contractors
5 Ways to Provide Professional Customer Service Over the Phone