After Hours Answering Service Asks: Are You Still on Plan?

After Hours Answering Service Asks: Are You Still on Plan?

With month one of the New Year coming to a close, the holidays wean after hours answering service asks the question celebrated just a short time ago already seem a distant memory. January is always an exciting time; a lot of activity and efforts to get things off to a good start; and often times in this month people seem to bite off a little more than they can chew.

How about you? Are you still on plan both professionally and personally in regards to the goals and promises you established for the New Year? If you are like most of the population, your answer likely lies somewhere between ‘not quite’ and ‘uh-oh!’

Think Through and Re-adjust

If you are 100% on plan after month one, congratulations! You are in rare company. If not, then don’t despair; take action.  Too many people get back into the ‘daily grind’ and fail to make mid-course adjustments to help ensure their success.  Waiting until the first quarter is over is too late. Take the time to review those plans and goals you worked on for 2015 and decide now: what is working, what needs to get caught up, and what items maybe weren’t that realistic after all.  If you think through and re-adjust your priorities now, getting back on track may not be that difficult. Failing to take this step makes it all-to-easy to experience bigger frustrations as the year goes on.

Extra Help When You Need It

As an after hours answering service, we understand the challenges businesses face in getting the year off to a good start. Many of our clients have come to us over the years as they realized they needed a solid partner to help manage inbound calls in a more effective or timely matter.  The first couple months of the New Year is a particularly challenging time because weather events, employee illnesses and a host of other interruptions are a constant threat to take both individuals and businesses off course. But having a good answering service can help ensure all of your callers are handled professionally, even if you are short staffed or struggling through one of the above mentioned interruptions.

Whether After Hours or 24/7, Communication is Key

No company wants to provide bad service, but when things get too busy and internal resources are not available, it can happen. Communicating effectively with your clients is key to providing good service. But you need to be able to communicate effectively in both good times and during those challenging times.  If you are not ‘on plan’ to date this year, and you need a little extra help either after hours, or during hours, let us know, we may be able to help!

To learn more about Main Line TeleCommunications, please download our free guide:

Free:10 Tips For Choosing A Telephone Answering Service
Or complete our “Contect Us” page.

Related Links:
Are You Using a Quality After Hours Answering Service?
Services Businesses: A 24/7 Answering Service May be Just What You Need